GPA Calculator

To calculate GPA:

  • Enter current GPA and Quality Hours (if any)
  • Enter the Earned Hours and grades for the current semester.
  • If a course is a repeat class, click the Repeat Course checkbox and enter in the previous grade for that course.
  • Submit current hours and grades by pressing Calculate.
Current GPA
Current GPA Quality Hours
GPA Calculator
  Earned Hours Expected Grade Course Repeat Previous Grade
Class 1:
Class 2:
Class 3:
Class 4:
Class 5:
Class 6:
Class 7:
Class 8:
Class 9:
Class 10:
Grading Scale
Letter Grade GPA Points
A+ 4.333
A 4.000
A- 3.667
B+ 3.333
B 3.000
B- 2.667
C+ 2.333
C 2.000
C- 1.667
D+ 1.333
D 1.000
D- 0.667
F 0.000
VF 0.000

Projected GPA
Projected Semester GPA Earned Hours for this Semester Projected Cumulative GPA Earned Credit Hours

Target GPA Calculator

Calculating your target GPA:

  1. For repeat courses, fill out the above calculator first, slect the box to indicate that you are repeating courses.
  2. If you are not repeating any courses fill in your current GPA
  3. Enter your Quality Hours, without including the current semester.
  4. Enter the Earned Credit Hours taken this semester.
  5. Enter the target GPA that you would like to achieve this semester.
  6. Select Calculate. The GPA required to meet your goal will be displayed.
Target GPA Calculator
Are you repeating any courses this semester? Check if yes.
Current GPA
Earned Credit Hours
Goal Cumulative GPA
Earned Hours this Semester

To meet your goal, your Projected GPA for this semester needs to be: